Introducing my new book...
Being a good parent is the most challenging—and meaningful—job anyone can assume. The manner in which parents and other caregivers fulfill this task will impact the future of the child, as well as the world.
In Parenting with Kindness & Consequences, parents and grandparents are encouraged to nurture children from birth, with many examples and tips on how to compassionately guide them through each stage of development.
An important part of loving a child includes setting appropriate limits. Methods are examined in detail, along with how to respond both kindly and firmly when children push the boundaries. The good news is that when corrections or consequences match behaviors in ways that help a child learn, no punishment need occur. Severe challenges (such as cruelty to others, stealing, and lying) are examined with a focus on healing.
Although this book focuses on early childhood, the same principles apply to older children, teens, and young adults.

Topics included...
Parenting from Birth Forward
Loving and Caring
Developing Language
Safeguarding Your Home
Developing Emotional Resilience
Learning from Diverse Cultures
Parenting with Kindness
Modeling Kindness
Avoiding Entitlement by Teaching Social and Emotional Growth
Dignifying Mistakes
Redirecting Negative Actions to Positive Behaviors
Guiding Toilet Training
Using Choices to Teach
Parenting with Consequences
Connecting Behaviors to Consequences
Correcting Our Mistakes
Emphasizing the Importance of Chores and Work
Using the Power of I’m Not Willing . . .
Parenting Anger with Healing as the Goal
Responding to Types of Tantrums
Meeting the Needs of Four Types of Challenging Children
Teaching Ways to Manage Anger
Understanding the Hazards of Punishment
Recognizing Toxic Parents
Establishing Guidelines for Technology
Helping Children with Behaviors than Harm Others
Healing Severe Behaviors
Parents as Teachers
Emphasizing Creativity
Bonding Speech with Writing and Reading
Using Sensory Input to Strengthen Learning
Considering Challenges of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia