When a small Catholic university interviewed me years ago, the president asked if I could commit to their mission statement. After reading the document, I determined that the values included in the statement fit my own beliefs. If there had been a conflict of principles, I would never have taken the job.
Due to the June 2015 Supreme Court ruling that allows gays and lesbians to legally marry, Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk charged with supplying marriage certificates faces a personal dilemma.
According to Davis, her principles will be violated if she signs a certification for marriage of a homosexual couple. Now, two additional Kentucky clerks, Casey Davis and Kay Schwartz join Kim Davis in her refusal.What Did Jesus Say or Not Say About Homosexuality?
Different sites express different points of view. Many sources mention the “sin of sexual immorality” and suggest this term includes any sexual act other than that in the traditional male/female marriage.
A search of Jesus’ teachings will not find any words specifically about homosexuality.
An article in Would Jesus Discriminate quotes Jesus as saying, “For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth…” (Matthew 19: 11-2). The article assumes Jesus used the word eunuchs as a synonym for homosexuals. If so, the statement implies acceptance.
The same article claims that Jesus asked, “Have you not read that the One who made them at the beginning made them male and female? For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.’”
What Do I Believe?
So where do I stand on the issue? As a citizen of this country, I commit to following the laws of the land. Our Supreme Court ruled that gays and lesbians might legally marry. As a citizen, I accept the ruling.
Ethically, I honor statements ascribed to Jesus, which leave no room for doubt. The first statement advocates, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged (NIV, Matthew 7:1-2).
The most important guiding light from Jesus states, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” His commandments included loving God and loving others. Period. To me, that means kindness for everyone, whether I agree or disagree with life philosophies and practices.
What two adults do in privacy has no impact on my life, my marriage, or beliefs. If same sex marriage offends God, this must remain between God and each individual. I am not responsible.
I see gays and lesbians as children of God. My marriage will be judged on its own merit. My life will be judged by how I treat others — all others. Although a same sex life does not appeal to me, I believe that consenting adults who love one another deserve respect.
I also honor the religious beliefs of Kim Davis and the other two clerks. However, when Ms. Davis accepted a job as district clerk she agreed to provide certifications for marriage. If Ms. Davis believes that under “God’s authority” she must refuse to serve gays and lesbians, she must leave the job that requires her to do so.
If the university had expected me to take part in situations that conflicted with my values, I would have needed to apply for a job elsewhere. Ms. Davis’ personal rights should be respected. She simply needs to seek employment elsewhere.
Work Cited
De Vogue, Ariane. Supreme “Court Rules in Favor of Same Sex Marriage Nationwide.” CNN Politics. June 27, 2015.
“Did Jesus Say Anything About Homosexuality?” Seeing God’s Breath. July 2011.
Fischer, Bryan. “Yes, Jesus Did Talk About Homosexuality.” The Stand. May 2015.
Harvey, Linda. “Jesus Never Said Anything About Homosexuality, or Did He?” Mission: America.2015.
“If Homosexuality Is a Sin, Why Didn’t Jesus Ever Mention It? Got Questions? 2015.
“Jesus Said Some Are Born Gay.” Would Jesus Discriminate? 2015.
“Kentucky Clerk Still Won’t Issue Same Sex Marriage Licenses.” The Wall Street Journal. 2015.
Naffziger, Ann. “What Did Jesus Have to Say About Homosexuality?” Busted Halo. 2015.