Although we only see the children who live out of town on rare occasions, the time with them feels sweet and special when we can be together. This Thanksgiving, we enjoyed time with Dina and her three children: Rylie (age 9), Ana (age 7), and Baby Rhett (age 1) who flew here from California.

It was a little over a year ago that I wrote about a very tiny, 3.5 pound, premature baby boy named Rhett. Today, at age one, he wears Toddler 2’s and 3’s. He manages to stay very active, moves with lightening speed, and remains totally curious. We had a good time with all three children as they played in our new home and went on short adventures with us. Rylie and Ana amazed us by going swimming! The water felt much too cool for all of us but those tough little CA girls plunged right into that November water. A trip to Windmill Park also provided fun for all of us.

On Thanksgiving, we fed 21 children and adults along with one hungry baby boy. Quite memorable since Chris and I still continue to unpack boxes and locate needed kitchen items! This Thanksgiving provided the first holiday-celebration in our new home. The picture below shows our family gathering at Thread-gills.

We recognize that traveling with three children can be quite a brave achievement. Thank you, Dina for all the work it took to bring three children from California to Texas. The memories added rich pages to our book of special family happenings.
