This post was written for my teenage granddaughter. Even as I remember the frightening aspects of growing up, I realize that life is full of fears and challenges for all of us at all ages. “Yes I can,” remains relevant throughout life.
Conquering Fear With “Yes, I Can!”
If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you won’t. Every time you face fear and move through it, your confidence grows. I have some disturbing news for you. Even when you become an adult, you will continue to face frightening situations! You always have two choices; cower in fear or move through and conquer the moment. As a teenager, you are building a foundation of “Yes, I can,” which will serve you for the rest of your life. Jesus advised us to build our houses on rock-solid, dependable rock. That’s what you are doing. You are building a rock-solid foundation of strength and courage. Here’s the best news of all. You have already started this building project! Think of all the times you have been frightened and insecure. Remember the ways you moved on through each situation and realized success. You are already building and growing and thriving. Always remember, if you think you can, you can and you will!
Courage Versus “Stupid”
Moving through fear does not suggest engaging in stupid activities. “Stupid” includes gossiping, bullying, driving too fast (when the time comes to drive), and going along with peers when you know they have a dangerous or cruel idea. Saying no to stupid activities takes a different kind of courage. It requires adding wisdom to your courage so you can make sound decisions. Saying no to friends’ ideas could mean facing ridicule, rejection, and loneliness. Even though the rejection probably won’t last long, it is painful. If the idea is supremely stupid, saying no might save your life. For example, it could be life-threatening to get in a car with someone who is drunk. Knowing when to say no is a hard lesson for children, teenagers, and adults. It is a requirement for wholesome life. If you are uncertain, be sure to share the situation with an adult you trust. Even though small mistakes are part of life and are encouraged, avoid being seriously “stupid.”
I welcome comments and questions.