Today, I’m writing about my son, David Williuams’ latest book on preventing school shootings.
Although I retired from teaching in 2013, I continue to care about children, teachers and schools.
David, a retired detective, school resource officer, paramedic, and SWAT member has written a book called “TEXTBOOKS NOT TARGETS: HOW TO PREVENT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS.” David’s book
recommends concrete ways we can help prevent school shootings. I wish every principal had a copy of this book.
For a short time, the ebook can be downloaded for free on ibooks and or purchased on Amazon for .99. Please read this book and share potentially beneficial ideas with appropriate individuals. I know we all care about children. Let’s give it a shot by sharing ideas and insisting on results. “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Maybe you will have some ideas or know appropriate individuals to contact. Thank you so much.