Hopefully, this message finds you as healthy and contented as possible during this trying time. I am writing to let you know that, after several delays, I have finally published my book on death. The title is Dignity in Death.

New Book: Dignity in Death
I find it amazing that after a lifetime in education, I turn out to be the perfect person to write a short and personal book about death. At eighty years of age, I sure as heck better be ready, as my own ending probably lurks just around the corner.
My hope is that each reader will decide to embrace an adventurous spirit about death. If you like to learn through stories, you will find stories. If you prefer to get advice from experts about ways to help others, you will find suggestions from those who know how to make a difference. Finally, you will read about ways to prepare for your own death, which may help reduce fears.
I like to believe that life’s greatest adventure lies ahead. With thought and preparation, each one of us can be ready to meet death with dignity and grace.
Please consider buying either an e-book or a paperback copy on Amazon.
From September 18th — September 28th, 2020, the e-book will sell for $ .99.
The softcover book will be available on September 29th and will sell for $19.95.
After September 29th, the e-book will sell for $18.95. I am told that Amazon sometimes reduces the price of e-books.
If you buy the book on Amazon, please return to leave a two or three-sentence review. Authors tell me that whether your comments are positive or negative, your review will be important and helpful to me. I sincerely thank you for buying the book and for taking the time to share your feedback. In the meantime, stay healthy. I hope the book will have some value for each reader.