It would be less than candid if I did not confess that occasionally, Chris and I face complications with our nomadic lifestyle. When we left Austin, we knew that the RV steps, which should automatically raise and lower, did not work properly. I did not consider our lack of steps a formidable problem.
However, early this morning, I discovered Chris under the RV trying to fix the stubborn stairs. He also spent time working on the door to the shower, which flings off its runner each and every time we hit the highway. Even the flying shower door did not cause too much concern, since Chris always re-installed the door when we reached each destination. After a morning of fixing and tidying, I started cooking lunch. Unfortunately, although we need 50 amps to operate efficiently, we were only able to plug into a 30-amp system. (Who knew amps could be so important?) At any rate, I blew a fuse. Chris began to tinker with fuses inside, outside, and on the campgrounds. The next thing I knew, everything shut down. No generator, no battery power, and no “juice” from the electricity provided by the campgrounds.

With no electricity, I decided to take the washing to the camp’s laundry facility. I left Chris fiddling and telephoning experts as I trooped away with dirty towels. Everything seemed under control even though broken. As I chatted with folks at the laundry mat, Chris managed to lock himself out of the motor home. Have I mentioned that this sweet man gets distracted easily? With no small amount of embarrassment, Chris borrowed a ladder from another camper and hoisted himself through one of the side windows. Chris does not qualify as a tiny man. How he squeezed himself through that small window remains a mystery to me. Not only did he crawl through the window, but he also came in on the kitchen table — not our sturdiest piece of furniture. I am thankful that, other than his dignity, Chris seems unharmed.

Tonight, we are fortunate that the weather in Nashville feels pleasant and cool. Rain threatens but so far has not come. We have clean towels, folded and ready for use. We must admit to our emergency un-readiness with only one flashlight and two candles. Perhaps we will have an early night.
Follow up —
Our amazing son-in-law Todd once again came to our rescue. During a long-distance telephone conversation between Todd and Chris, the two got electricity going again. (Neither man knows how or why.) Our first stop tomorrow will be the RV repair shop. Thanks for helping us again Todd.
